

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.   2 Corinthians 9:7


Stewardship is a way to return to others some of the blessings we have received from the Lord in the form of our gifts of time, talents and treasures.  As Christians we believe that all our possessions come from God on loan to us. God intends that we share our gifts to bless others in our church, community and world.

Members are asked to complete an annual Pledge Card which serves two purposes. It gives members an opportunity to express interest in serving our congregation with their time and talents, and for members to pledge a commitment of financial support.

Make a Donation

Financial stewardship is a commitment we hope members prayerfully make to fund the ministries of our congregation and the wider world.  Financial contributions can be made using offering envelopes provided by Bethany, or by using the convenient online Simply Giving program. 


Donations can be made to specific areas of need, such as Current and Benevolent Ministries, Lutheran Education, Hunger, and our Onward and Upward II campaign which enables Bethany to continue to upgrade and preserve our beautiful church.

Memorials, Estate Planning and Endowment Fund

To remember loved ones, memorial gifts or donations to the Bethany Endowment Fund are a way to create a lasting legacy. Remembering Bethany in your own will and estate planning can benefit both the donor and the church. Members of the Endowment Committee are available to speak to those who are considering these options.